Curriculum Vitae

LMU Munich, School of Management, since 04/2023
Postdoctoral Researcher and Impact Entrepreneurship Education Lead

Panoramawolf Munich, Consultancy for Communication & Transformation, since 08/2019
Founder & Managing Director

Munich Business School, since 01/2016
Lecturer in Innovation, Digital Skills & Marketing

Stanford University, 04/2022 - 09/2022
Hans Weisser Scholar for research on human-centered transformation

Professional activities, 01/2011-08/2019
Product Marketing Manager, Founder of Social Startups, Head of Corporate Communications, Digital Strategy Consultant

RMIT University of Melbourne, Australia, 10/2010-12/2010

Harvard University, 09/2008-11/2008
Visiting Scholar

LMU Munich, Department of Media and Communication, 04/2006-07/2010
Dr. rer. pol., Research on Media Effects and Decision Making

Research Focus

  • Impact Entrepreneurship Education
  • Upskilling for Transformation & Sustainability
  • Identity & Storytelling in human-centered transformation & innovation

Selected publications

  • Wolf, B. & Landberg, M. (2023). 4D LOOPING. A new conceptual framework based on life design for empowering leaders to change the world for the better in a sustainable way. Presented on EURAM 2023.
  • Tittel, A.; Maisch, B.; Wolf, B.; Anzengruber, J. & Terzidis O. (2023). Ikigai - Traditional Approach for Modern Entrepreneurship? Presented on EURAM 2023.
  • Wolf, B. & Seif, H. & Kraft, P. (2023). Teaching future competences through entrepreneurship: an entrepreneurship educators experience in non-entrepreneurship courses. Presented on 3E Conference – ECSB 2023.
  • Wolf, B. & Landberg, M. (2022). 4D LOOPING: Entrepreneurial Life Design as a strategy to manage change for high potentials. Presented on G-Forum 2022.
  • Wolf, B. (2010). Beurteilung politischer Kandidaten in TV-Duellen. Effekte rezeptionsbegleitender Fremdmeinungen auf Zuschauerurteile. Nomos: Baden-Baden.
